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Windposts range.

The BPC windpost and parapet post range offers enhanced support to masonry panels exposed to increased lateral loads, eliminating the need for extra columns or thicker walls. 

We can manufacture all our windposts, parapet posts, and spine posts to meet your specific requirements.

This section covers the number of critical design considerations, namely, windpost design, parapet post design, connection baseplate design, top cleat design and windpost ties. See below for details.

Sitting within the width of a single block, VEW3 Spine Posts add strength without ruining the ‘fair faced’ finish of internal walls.

With no head fixings, Vista VEW1 and VEW2 Parapet Posts are designed as propped cantilevers, using heavier base fixings to resist movement.

Designed to sit in the cavity itself and tied to both inner and outer leaves, VEW2 Windposts are ideal for more lightly loaded walls.

Additional strength and load resistance is created by embedding the inner leg of the VEW1 Windpost into the inner leaf joint.

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